Saturday, September 17, 2011


Remember having a bedtime? Where mom and dad would scold you to put your pajamas on, brush your teeth, floss and get into bed... If you had brothers or sisters you would stay up whispering to each other until your parents yelled at you to keep it down and get some sleep... AND there was always the threat of..."JUST WAIT UNTIL THE MORNING! YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO TIRED" ....and 99% of the time you were very tired and very crappy in the morning.....
Well what about the nightmares, the bedbugs or scary stories you used to hear from your siblings or classmates that would keep you lying awake with your eyes WIDE OPEN and your ears on full alert.... When you would crawl under all your covers no matter how hot, cold or uncomfortable you were  because it felt completely safe under there.. Not even a toe or finger could be exposed or else the monsters would find you. 
Are any of these bringing back memories of being little???
I have an 8 -year- old little sister, Her name is Claire and I get to relive these experiences...There are the same exact stories that the boys in class would taunt us girls with....the same excuses behind why mom, dad or in Claire's case DD ( which is what she calls me ) HASSS to sleep in the same bed with you...the same explanation to why you need all these lights on and how you will sleep WAY better with them on rather than off....Or in my case when I was little I would make my brothers sleep on my floor next to my bed..... hahaha... such good brothers I had.....Its crazy how much things are the same.
While telling Claire bedtime stories this got me thinking about when I was a little girl and the things I would say to my parents and how I would go about my sleeping arrangements each night....I mean I would literally plan out what tactic I was going to throw down each night and even had back up plans in case my parents didn't buy into my stories......So I challenge you to think.....What ridiculous things would you do when you were little to "keep the monsters away"??

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